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On Today’s Episode:

As much as you hate to admit it, relationships are vital to our happiness and success in life. The relationship you have with yourself , your romantic partner, your family, friends and co-workers dictate more than you can imagine.

Dr. Molly Maloof, author of The Spark Factor, believes in relationships and connections so much she’s created a lecture for Stanford University called Live Better Longer. She touches on the value of social connection and its impact on long-term health and disease.

Molly talks with Lisa in this episode and runs down the power of love, what intense romantic love feels like, and an entire masterclass on s****l desire and arousal. The fact that Molly ranks love in the same category of needs as thirst and hunger says a lot.

In addition to unpacking the power of love, Molly also covers the power a loss of love has on your physical and mental health. So much of her explanation fills the voids we have in understanding why a bad break can make us feel crazy and do things out of character.

Check out Dr. Molly Maloof’s book, The Spark Factor:


“I’m highly encouraging people to create deep social networks of lots of friends, […] having lots of friends can make you feel supported.”

“Love should be part of our education, and yet we’re mostly flying blind through life because it is not taught to us.”

“The world is inherently run by our biology whether we realize it or not, our biology is actually running the show of a lot of the world.”

“Everything in life is kind of like dating.”

“Intense romantic love, the early phases especially in the first few months feels like you are on drugs. It is literally like being on MDMA all the time .”

“You can become attached just through having s*x with someone a lot.”

“Your body is trying to trick you into having a baby at all times”

“Desire is largely your emotional arousal, and your physical arousal and your wetness, is your physical manifestation of your arousal.”

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