Meghan as a winner of 2023 Women of Vision Awards, she is described as a “feminist, champion of human rights and gender equity, and global role model.” “Her lifelong advocacy for women and girls remains a constant thread she weaves through both humanitarian and business ventures.

Meghan Markle – a name globally known as the Duchess of Sussex, despite being well known as an activist, advocate, entrepreneur, and actress long before she became a royal. Attending the Women of Vision awards accompanied by her beloved husband Prince Harry and the amazing graceful and always elegant Mama Doria. Meghan glowed, she glittered. I mean she shined like the star she was born to be. Meghan is living her authentic life surrounded by loving family making global impact by uplifting women and girls.
#meghanmarkle #DuchessofImpact #archetypes #aboutwomenrights #podcastforwomen #womenpower #womanrights #podcast #womenpower



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