Tips For Young Female & Young Black Entrepreneurs | Why My Sense Of Identity Is A Source Of Pride


My sense of identity as a black female entrepreneur is something that I take pride in and the challenges and rewards that have come from that have helped shape my journey. In this video series, I share my steps to navigating that journey, so that young black entrepreneurs can be successful.

There are so many things that I love about being a black female entrepreneur. For one thing, as a black CEO I feel proud to be fulfilling a responsibility to my race and the black community. Being a CEO is empowering and I’m glad I can be an example by holding that position. Right now, the section of the population that is starting the most businesses is, in fact, black females. I love being a part of that trend.

It’s a similar sense of responsibility when it comes to being a female entrepreneur. I hope that just as young black entrepreneurs can gain from some of the lessons I share, young female entrepreneurs will similarly be able to benefit. My sense of identity is a combination of both of these elements.

When I was a little girl, I had no idea that becoming a CEO was possible for me. So, part of my responsibility, which I wholeheartedly embrace, is being a model for young women and girls.

Identity plays an important role in the journey of an entrepreneur. A black female entrepreneur has a wholly different set of obstacles to navigate than what a white male entrepreneur would experience, for example. By sharing these lessons, my aim is to create as many successful black and female entrepreneurs as possible.

For all of those young black entrepreneurs and young female entrepreneurs out there, know that your sense of identity is something to be proud of.

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